17813 Biscayne Blvd.
Aventura, FL 33160
Local Hours: 8:00am – 7:00pm Eastern on weekends (800) 982-6436 or for international calls, (508) 879-4800. A Fee of $20.00 per call applies.
Local Hours: 7:00pm – 7:59am For international calls, (770) 486-2783. A Fee of $50.00 per call applies.
Our service is handled by BCD Travel, the 3rd largest travel management firm in the world.
Service available outside House of Travel's normal business hours & when your Account Manager can not be reached.
Business Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am – 7:00pm
Calls by clients are charged per transaction & based on type of call (emergency vs. non-emergency). Calls will incur charges even if no transaction occurs. Click here to view the associated fees.